Term 2, Week 4 Newsletter 2022
Principal's Message
Reminder: Staff Development Day Friday 27th May
No school for students on this day.
Staff will commence working on the School Improvement Review.
School Improvement Review
Mrs Lauren Magnus (Assistant Principal Teaching & Learning ) and I attended Professional Learning at Coffs Harbour recently. The theme was School Improvement and this training was the start of a school improvement review for our school taking place on June 6-8. The focus for school improvement is TEACHING & LEARNING and the process is designed to assist schools to review and reflect on their efforts to improve the quality of teaching and learning.
Some key takeaways from our learning was:
- School improvement is not an event that happens every few years, it is regular and ongoing.
- It involves all stakeholders; students, staff, parents, the community.
- It is about looking forward not back.
- It is driven by data and research.
- The ultimate purpose of school improvement is to improve the learning and wellbeing outcomes for students.
The school review uses the National School Improvement Tool (NSIT) and looks at the following 9 Domains:
- An explicit improvement agenda
- Analysis and discussion of data
- A culture that promotes learning
- A targeted use of school resources
- An expert teaching team
- Systematic curriculum delivery
- Differentiated teaching and learning
- Effective pedagogical practice
- School-community partnerships
If you would like to be available to speak to our review team during the three days please contact me. All feedback is welcome and appreciated.
Class Parents
Things are moving along well now after our first Mothers’ day event. All classes except Stage 2 (Mrs Clark/ Mr Oldfield and Miss Doolan) and Yr 2 (Mrs Curren) now have parent Representatives. Please consider helping out if you can. Our next get-together is on Thursday 2nd June from 9.00 -9.45am. Join us for a cuppa!
Parent Pick Up
We are aware that the track around the oval is in poor shape after the recent weather. We have enlisted a contractor to level the track and fill the potholes however we need to wait until the weather clears. (I know what you’re thinking!) Thank you for your patience.
School Guitar Lessons
For those students who are enrolled in music lessons at school, Kristan will be recommencing his guitar/Music lessons next Tuesday the 24th May.
Soccer and Rugby
The after school soccer skills sessions with Soccer X began last week and is growing in popularity. Our Rugby League team have been training in their school jerseys this week. It's great seeing the students so excited and involved in sporting activities. I've included some pictures below.
Have a great week!
Kind Regards,
Tim Bleakley - Principal
Soccer & Rugby Action Shots
Learning and Teaching
Talking to your child about their day
Your child's been at school all day and you've walked to meet them out of school with a big smile on your face, looking forward to seeing them and hearing about their day. However, it's a common complaint from parents of school-age children: 'I ask them what they did at school today, and all they say is "Nothing!" '
This can be frustrating and concerning at any time, try not to worry: there's a number of ways to gently encourage and help your child to open up a little more so that you can support them and understand more about their learning and their social development at school.
To support students with their learning we are helping them to understand what they are learning and why (learning intentions) and also what is required (success criteria) - this not only gives purpose to the tasks but it also helps the students take ownership of their learning as they can check in as to how they are going. You might also like to ask them questions that align with this.
- What are you learning about in Maths / English etc?
- How are you going with your learning?
We support students by explicitly teaching learning dispositions. You might like to ask questions along the lines of;
- What did you find challenging today?
- What did you do to overcome this challenge?
- What is something you are proud of today?
- Tell me about a time you worked with your friends today?
Try to ask 'open' rather than 'closed' questions. A closed question only requires a 'yes' or 'no' or another single word answer; for example, 'Did you have a good day at school?' An open question needs a fuller answer: 'What was the best thing that happened at school today?'
Walk Safely to School Day - Active Kids are Smarter Kids
This Friday 20th May is National Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) and it is now in its 23rd year. The annual campaign encourages all primary school children, their parents and carers to walk safely and regularly to school.
The objectives of National Walk Safely to School Day are;
- Promote the health benefits of walking and create regular walking habits
- To help children develop road crossing skills and ensure children up to the age of 10 years hold an adult’s hand when crossing the road
- To reduce car dependency and traffic congestion, especially around schools
- To reduce the level of air pollution created by motor vehicles
- To promote the use of public transport
Kind Regards,
Lauren Magnus
Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning
Important Dates for Your Diary
The Sacrament of Confirmation will take place next Tuesday night the 24th of May at St Finbarr’s Church Byron Bay, 6pm. The candidates have been preparing for their Confirmation and a part of this preparation has included the acknowledgement of the candidates during the Weekend Masses at Byron Bay and Bangalow. During these masses over the past two weeks, the candidates have been presented to the Parish during a special enrolment and symbol ceremony and last weekend, Father David presented each of the candidates with a beautiful Our Father prayer keepsake.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is such a special part of these students' faith journey and we ask our St Finbarr’s School and Parish community to pray for these candidates and their families at this special time.
National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week
Next Thursday the 26th of May is National Sorry Day, this marks the beginning of National Reconciliation week commencing on the 27th of May to the 3rd of June. These dates commemorate significant milestones within our history which includes the successful 1967 referendum and the landmark Mabo Decision in 1992. The theme for National Reconciliation week for 2022 is
“Be Brave, Make Change!”
We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation. At St Finbarr’s Catholic Primary School, we acknowledge the Arakwal people of the Bundjalung Nation as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our school resides. We recognise their long history and culture and continue our commitment to the reconciliation process.
To acknowledge the significance of National Sorry Day next Thursday the 27th of May, St Finbarr’s will hold a special Liturgy in the undercover area at 9am. We invite all students to wear black, red and yellow to school in recognition of this day.
God of this great ancient land Australia,
You call us to be people of love, people of peace, people of reconciliation.
On National Sorry Day, we especially seek forgiveness from our Indigenous people who have been treated unfairly and unjustly.
May we work together to bring hope and healing
where all people may be treated with dignity and respect
bringing Australians closer together.
We ask this in Jesus’ name,
Stage 3 Mass
This Friday the 20th of May, Stage 3 will be celebrating a beautiful Mass at St Finbarr's Church. All of our families are warmly invited to attend. The Mass will commence at 9:30am.
Kind Regards,
Sonya Piccoli
Assistant Principal
Mission & Addidtional Needs
Sports News
Winter Sports-Rugby Union
Congratulations to Adam. P and Oli. W on their progression onto the Polding Rugby Union trials to be held in Forbes, in Week 10.
Zone Cross Country-Murwillumbah
Well done to all of our students who participated in the Zone Cross Country Carnival held in Murwillumbah. We are very proud of your effort and enthusiasm displayed on the day, which led to St Finbarr’s winning the Champion Overall Trophy!
Congratulations to Roley C, George T, Oliver B, Hayden C, Isla C, Milla P, Olivia H, Lucy R, Jack B, Will S, Aurora O and Caitlyn O on their selection for the Diocesean Cross Country Carnival to be held in Grafton, next Tuesday. We wish them all the very best.
Kind Regards,
Lisa Clark - Sports Coordinator
Our Zone Cross Country Team
Student Awards
Compass Update
St John's College Woodlawn Open night
Will be on tomorrow evening at the College, there will be two sessions running on the night: 5pm and 7pm. To limit numbers for each session, Woodlawn are using an online booking session. To attend open night please book into one of the sessions through the link below.