Term 2, Week 10 Newsletter 2023
Principal News
Living our Vision
As citizens of the St Finbarr's community, we are all responsible for Loving like Jesus, Growing as Friends and Learning for Life. In other words, it is our responsibility to ensure we are actively contributing to an environment that promotes inclusivity, respect, collaboration, empathy and hope and one that values diversity, courage, curiosity and resilience. This week, at our Monday morning prayer assembly, I reminded all students of the words of Mary MacKillop, "Never see a need without trying to do something about it."
I asked the students, teachers and parents to notice the daily needs and ‘take action’. Because one small act, seemingly inconsequential to you can have a profound and lasting impact on others. It starts with a small ripple and can soon become a tsunami of support and make a real difference to our school, to other students, to our teachers or our whole community. As St Finbarr's members it is incumbent on us to at least try. Living by this motto helps us to live out our school mission which also brings us closer in relationship with Jesus, our God.
A HUGE thank you to George and Abigail, Hannah S, Lila G, Willow T, Camilla S and Billie M for taking on this call and willingly doing a huge clean up of our playground (without being asked) - ensuring our school environment is clean and the animals within and around our school are safe from rubbish and plastics.
Please join us this Friday at 2:15pm for the last assembly of term 2.
Have fun Miss Hunnibell
We wish Courtney, Rex, Flo and Arti all the best as they embark on the family adventure of a lifetime. We can't wait to hear all about your road trip and the wonderful places you visit as you travel across and around our Country. We look forward to welcoming you back with open arms in 2024.
Celebrations of Learning
I love when visitors appear at my door to share their learning and witnessing the pride they have in their work. Here is a gallery of just some of the amazing visitors I have had over the past few weeks.
Afternoon of the Notables
WOW! What an amazing afternoon we had in the hall with our Notables. Our Yr 5 and Yr 6 students really put on a show. Taking on the role of notable Australians and showasing their creativity, research skills, speaking and listening and presentation skills. Their collective efforts were impressive and the culmination of their term projects were wonderful to see. Here are a few pics from this afternoon. Thanks so much to all the parents and friends who joined us (and for all your help behind the scenes in helping your children with their preparation).
Yours in Partnership,
Lauren Magnus
Acting Principal
Semester One has come and gone so quickly. We wish all our families a wonderful holiday and pray everyone has the opportunity to spend time with loved ones and enjoy our beautiful environment.
Next Term, our students who completed the Sacrament of First Reconciliation will continue on their Sacramental journey by preparing for First Holy Communion.
Please see the flyer below for important dates:
Winter Woolies Day
Tomorrow, Wednesday the 28th of June, we are asking our families to give generously to the St Vincent De Paul's Winter Appeal.
All children are asked to wear their Winter Woolies and to bring in a monetary donation for this very worthy cause.
Naidoc Week 2nd-9th July
NAIDOC Week is held across Australia to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Next week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrating the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. The theme this year is ‘For our Elders’.
Across every generation, our Elders have played, and continue to play, an important role, and hold a prominent place, in our community and families. They are cultural knowledge holders, trailblazers, nurturers, advocates, teachers, survivors, leaders, hard workers and our loved ones.
They guide our generations and pave the way for us to take the paths that we can take today. They influence and inspire us to work for the equality and hope that they fought for.
Let us pay our respects to them this NAIDOC Week.
God of love and compassion,
you are the creator of this land and of all its people.
We pray that we work together to acknowledge,
appreciate and understand the wisdom and knowledge
of our Aboriginal Elders, past, present and to come.
May we continue to build strong relationships
with one another - relationships that show respect
and seek out justice and equality for all.
We ask this through Jesus, our model and guide.
All: Amen.
Yours in Partnership,
Mrs Sonya Piccoli
AP Mission & Additional Needs
Sports News
Polding Cross Country
Well done to our St Finbarr’s students who competed at Polding Cross Country down in Sydney. I heard there was a surprise manager when they arrived.Congratulations to Milla P who will be progressing to the state finals.
Our 12 year boys and 11 year girls were both a part of the overall winning Diocese team for their age groups.
School Athletics
A very big thank you to those parents who were able to assist their child’s teacher during the Carnivals, especially the competitive 2-6. It is always challenging to manage a large group and run an event as well, so the support is most welcomed.
Well done to Penola who were the overall winning House of the Carnival.
Congratulations to our team of 47 students who have qualified to compete at the Zone Carnival to be held at Cudgen early next term.
Lisa Clark,
Sports Coordinator